Wednesday 25 April 2012

400-year-old Diamond: Sotheby’s Expects $4M Auction of Beau Sancy Diamond

Beau Sancy 400-year-old diamond

A 400-year-old Beau Sancy diamond will be on sale at Sotheby’s auction house in Geneva on May 15, 2012. The gem, considered as one of the world’s oldest diamond, is expected to fetch up to $4 million, according to a press release. The 400-year-old diamond reportedly weighs about 34.98 carats and features a rare pear cut. 

David Bennett, Chairman of Sotheby‘s jewelry, explained that the Beau Sancy diamond has “a fascinating history, and really is a once-in-a-lifetime sale.” Bennett added that the gem “was made in the 16th century, the pear cut was new, bold and so it became the most sought-after jewel of its era. Before the ‘Beau Sancy‘ all diamonds were rudimentary.”

French King Henri IV reportedly bought the diamond from the Lord of Sancy in 1604. King Henri IV gave it as a gift to his wife, Marie de Medici, considered as one of richest women in Europe. Marie de Medici reportedly wore the diamond on her crown during her coronation as Queen Consort of King Henri IV.

Reports say that the diamond is currently on display in Paris and will be transferred to London and Zurich before the auction in Geneva.

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