Monday 10 October 2011

The hardest-working gemstones in the world : DIAMONDS

Diamonds were made millions and millions of years ago when fuming volcanoes melted the element called carbon inside some rocks. Gigantic masses of earth pressed the carbon tightly. The hot melted carbon was squeezed so tightly that by the time it cooled, it had changed into the hard gemstones called Diamonds.

Some diamonds are found in the gravel and sand near rivers. Others are left in mountains by glaciers. Most diamonds are mined from rocks deep underground, mostly in Africa. The country of South Africa is the major source of diamonds used in jewellery.


The Hope diamond is one of the biggest blue diamonds known in the world. Unfortunately, it is supposed to be cursed. Several of its owners have died tragically or have had very bad luck.

Diamonds are so hard that nothing can cut them except another diamond.

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